Sunday, August 23, 2009

my kind of guy

1. Do you need him to be good lookinG?
:: x jugak...kalau good looking sgt pun susah nak jaga...;) tp biar la sedap mata memandang

2. Smart?
:: blehla termasuk dalam ciri yg dikehendaki...;)

3. Preferred age?
:: kalau bleh sekurang2nya biar r sebaya..xpun lagi tua dari umur aku...matang sket...:)

4. Preferred height?
:: hurmmm....tinggi sket or lagi tinggi dari aku

5. How about sense of humour?
:: ok gak...pandai wat aku ketawa n hepi...;) xla serius je...hehehe

6. How about piercings?
:: hurmmm...

7. Accepts you for who you are?
:: sure...da nak hidup bersama..mestila kena terima aku seadanya...

8. Pink hair?
:: pe kes???hahahaha...

10. Thin or fat?
:: sederhana je...kalau bleh berisi skit dari aku...;)

11. Black, Brown or White skinned?
:: lebih kurang tone skin aku ler....

12. Long hair or short hair?
:: short of course...professional ok...

14. Smells good?
:: yup

15. Smoker?
:: of course nope

16. Drinker?
:: a big no no ok

17. The boy-next-door type?
:: takde r smpi tahap nice gile2.. hehe

18. Muscular?
:: sket2 bleh la...

19. Plays violin?
:: x de ciri ni pun xpe....

20. Plays bass or acoustic guitar?
:: xperlu kot..:)

21. Plays piano?
:: hurmmm...xyah la

22. Sings very good?
:: hehehe..xyah pun xpe....janji leh dgr sore dia...ok la

24. With glasses?
:: pe2 pun ok....

26. Shy type?
:: shy skit2..xyah shy sgt...kena gentle...

27. Rebel or good boy?
:: in-the-middle...xyah la sgt200x good...aku pun xla good sgt..;)

28. Active or passive?
:: of course active...but having little passive...must have this also...hehe

29. Tight or bomb?
:: neither.. :)

30. Singer or dancer?
:: hurmmmm....

32. Hip-hop?
:: xyah la....ish...

33. Earrings?
:: ish...xmau xmau xmau ler

35. Dimples?
:: ok kot..:)

36. Bookworm?
:: ok xla terlalu sgt k...

37. Love letters?
:: kadang2 perlu gak...kena luahkan gak kadang2...

38. Playful?
:: skit2 ok la...

39. Flirt?
:: of course nope...flirt dgn aku ok la...dgn org len..berani wat r...reject trus...

40. Poem writer?
:: hurmmm...rasa mcm xyahla..sebab aku xla minat sgt bab2 related to poem

41. Serious?
:: yup...kadang2 kena serius...tegas also

44. Religious?
:: of course...dia kena bimbing aku

47. Speaks 20 languages?
:: hahahahahaha..perlu ke??kalau say "i love u" dalam 20 language...ok r...hehehehe

49. Good kisser?
:: hurmmm...maybe...

50. Loves children?
:: of course..:)

Nas: i ve already found my guy...we are otw to have a legal loving relationship..pray for us...tq..:)


jai@jezz said...

mak aih.. panjang betul.. ni taq ke apa..??

Nas said...

hehehehe...da soklan nye panjang....